Java SE Development Kit Download


Java SE Development Kit Download is a community environment for fabricating applications. It has applets and elements using Java programming communication. The JDK introduces tools valuable for developing and examining. This software composed in Java programming and running on the Java platform.


How to Java SE Development Kit  Download:

  • First of all, open your favorite browser and search for You’ll see the Java SE Development Kit download button on our site. You click on this button, and here you’ll see two options. We want to click this Java button here, and here you will see various options to download Java.


  • In your Windows operating system or Linux or Mac OS! First of all, click this accept license agreement that this radio button. And then, you can download this executable file to your operating systems. So we would like to install it for our Windows operating system.


  • If you’re using Windows 10, most of you’ve got Windows 64-bit. You click on this last option, OK. It is likely to put in Java JDK on your own Windows 10 operating system. Now once it downloads, I have downloaded it. It’s going to look like this; it’s it will be like an executable file, which you can run.


  • Please double click on it, and it is going to share with you this user account management. I’m likely to cut everything else, and now the Java setup has started. You need to click next here and leave everything as the default click. Next, you know, while this installation is happening.


  • Let’s discuss how to check whether Java is currently introduced to your system or not. So the simple means to check. When Java installs in your system is going to your Windows Start button. You click here and open the command prompt. Our Java installation is asking for this next procedure.


  • So click next, and then we will come to this command prompt. Here, you need to write Java C and press ENTER. It gives you this result that Java C is not recognized as an internal or external command. Then most Java is not installed on your system. So close this command prompt.


  • We will now check it once again once Java installs on our system and when the Java installation is complete. It will give you this message that Java SE development kit 8 update 60 installed. You need to Click close and now what you need to do is open your folder explorer. We go to your pc or click this pc and see the folder and go to program files.


  • Here you will be able to see this folder called java. And inside this java, you will see two folders. One is JDK, another is JRE, so for simplicity. You can rename those as only JDK and JRE. JDK stands for Java development kit, and JRE stands for Java runtime environment.


  • JDK and JRE now once you have installed Java! You need to set up the environment variable for Java. So that whenever some program wants to look for Java’s recognized by your program. So to set up an environment variable! What you need to do is right-click on your windows button here. So left click will open this option, but when you right-click. It will open these options and in right-click.


  • You will see this option called to control the panel open it and in here go-to system. Here, click system OK, go to system and security, click system, and here. You need to click advanced system settings. Here you will be able to see these environmental variables. We go-to system variables here and go down and click the option.


  • Which says path OK, so double click on it?  It’s going to open, so we need to add this path variable system variable, right. So go at last and what you need to do is copy the location you have installed this Java. So go to Program Files Java and go inside the JDK folder. Then, go inside the bin folder where all the binary files are there and copy this the location.


  • Which is c program files slash Java slash JDK slash bin right and then give a semicolon? Here and then paste your path. You have copied the C colon slash program file slash Java slash JDK slash bin OK. And once again, give a semicolon here and then go to the folder where you have installed Java. Once again, and here this time, go to the JRE folder, and inside JRE, go to the bin folder OK.


  • Once again, copy this path, and after the semicolon, paste this path, which will save your parts and click OK again. You can cut this. When you open the command prompt, open the command prompt once again and then run Java C?


  • Once again, so Java C and press ENTER, and now you can see it will give you so many options. Java C is a command to compile Java source files. It will give you this message that Java C’s. Your uses are like this Java C options then source file right now Java JDK installed on your system.


  • In some cases, you may want to configure Java home after installing Java how we can configure Java home. Once again, right-click on your Start menu! And then go – control panel and once again go to system security. And once again, go to system and in here go to advanced system settings.


  • You go to environment variables. We will use variables for whatever your computer name is and click this new button. You will create a new variable name, Java, in the capital. And then underscore and then home, and this will be the variable name.


  • Java home makes it capital and separated by an underscore and then writes it home. You remember that the spelling must be the same and separated by this underscore right. You need to give the path to your JDK folder.


  • We go to the location wherever you have installed Java and go to the JDK folder. Then copy the JDK folder’s path and paste it here. In this way, you can configure Java home or environment variables.

Java SE Development Kit  Download Features:

Text Blocks:


A text block is a multi-line string literal. It avoids you to the need for most escape sequences. It formats the string predict.




Records improve developer productivity by providing a compact syntax for declaring classes, which act as transparent carriers for immutable data.


Sealed classes:


Foreign-Memory Access API:


This feature divine’s an API. We allow you to Java programs to and access foreign memory outside of the Java heap.


Cryptographic Signature:


  • Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm.
  • This feature improves security and performance by implementing—cryptographic signatures using the Edwards curve digital signature algorithm.


Garbage Collector:


  • Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector


  • A new garbage collection (GC) algorithm is named Shenandoah. It reduces GC pause times by doing evacuation work with the running Java threads.


Deprecated APIs:


Deprecate RMI Activation for Removal: Deprecates the RMI Activation mechanism for future removal. RMI Activation is an obsolete part of RMI that has been optional since Java 8. No other part of RM! will deprecate.


Remove the Nashorn JavaScript Engine:

  • It removes you the Nashorn JavaScript script engine and APIs and the jjs tool. The engine, the APIs, and the tool deprecate for removal in JDK 11. They express intent to remove them in a future release.


  • Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports. It removes the source code and builds support for Solaris, Solaris/x64, and Linux/SPARC ports.




Java SE Development Kit Download is a class-based high-level object-oriented programming language. James Gosling and his friend make it in 1991. It is a simple programming language. Writing, compiling, and debugging an app is easy in coffee. It helps to create modular programs and reusable code.

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Setup Filename
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 15.0.1
Last Updated
January 02,2021
Setup Size
152 MB
Setup Type
Operating Systems
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP
Compatibility Architecture

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